步步乐箱包(bubule)创立于1997年,专注于研发PP材质箱包,形成一家集开发、制造、销售于一体的的大型注塑箱包企业,产品涵盖旅行箱、拉杆箱、化妆箱、公文箱等全系列。 生产上,公司目前拥有87台注塑机,采用全自动机械手、输送带等建立无人员操作现代化车间,箱包日产量高达10000只。研发上,我公司技术部门为解决材料的独立性问题,联合浙江大学高分子学院等专业学府,不断进行技术方面转型升级。品质上,箱包生产环境整洁,员工操作规范,产品出厂须经过三十多道质检程序,并通过ISO9001质量管理体系认证、ISO14001环境管理体系认证,获得多项殊荣。步步乐箱包远销往欧洲、中东、亚洲等三十多个国家和地区,因优良的品质,在国际上享有盛誉。在国内市场亦颇受好评。本公司致力于为消费者提供全面的旅行解决方案,拥有全方位的自主研发团队,外观在不断创新的同时,亦兼顾了产品的功能性,并且拥有多项外观专利。
SC2 Deluxe EasyFix is a steam cleaner manufactured by German company 'KARCHER', targeting Asian markets. This product produces a powerful high temperature steam that can sterilize viruses with 99.9% water without any chemical detergent. Asian's human factors and how to express strong steam sterilization function within the compact size of UX, the company has found a solution to its motive in 'Active Volcano' This concept led to the development of other products and conduce to the transfer of product identification from 'EGG' to 'VOLCANO', which is the identity of existing Karcher's indoors.